18 Magical Benefits Of Taro Root

 Taro Root Benefits For Health

Taro roots (scientific name: Colocasia esculenta) are mainly cultivated in Asia but now it is serving worldwide. It is one of the healthiest vegetables that you can eat.

Taro root is part of the Araceae family.

The color of the taro root can be different in different places, it could be white, brown, pink or purple in color.

Taro roots are filled with nutrients, vitamins, and minerals like fiber, manganese, vitamin B6, vitamin E, potassium, copper, Vitamin C, phosphorus, magnesium.

You can find taro root in every continent except Antarctica.

Data suggest that the top 5 taro producing countries from all over the world produced about 10.2 million metric tons of taro.

Nigeria alone produce about 3.2 million metric tons of taro and it is the number one producer of taro in the world, followed by China 1.8 million metric tons and Cameroon with 1.6 million metric tons.

Taro root can provide incredible benefits to our body like Improving digestion, Lowering the blood sugar level, Protecting skin, stronger immune system, Preventing from many types of cancer, and Preventing from heart diseases.

The Benefits Of Taro Root

1:- Helps To Control Blood sugar
There are almost 415 million people who are suffering from diabetes and the numbers increasing every day.

Most of the foods which we eat daily contain added sugar and we don’t even know about it which may cause diseases like diabetes.
We should include fruits and healthy vegetables in our diet to keep our self diseases free and I recommend you to include Taro root because Taro roots are incredibly rich in fiber.
Fiber can reduce the absorption of sugar and help improve blood sugar. A good diet that contains insoluble fiber can also decrease the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

2:- Prevents Anemia
According to WHO about 1.62 billion people are suffering from anemia. The most common type of anemia is Iron deficiency anemia.

Taro root contains two most important minerals which help to fight against anemia Iron and Copper.

Everyone needs Iron to make hemoglobin, it is a protein which helps red blood cells carry oxygen in our blood. Without enough oxygen in your brain, you may feel confusion, restlessness, headache, shortness of breath, and lack of coordination.

It is important to eat foods which contain enough iron to prevent our self from diseases like anemia.

3:- Reduces The Risk Of Heart Disease
The right side of the heart receives oxygen-poor blood from the veins and pumps it to the lungs, where it picks up oxygen and remove carbon dioxide.
The left side of the heart takes oxygen-rich blood from the lungs and pumps it through the arteries and rest of your body.

If any part whether it’s right or left stops working or faces any type of difficulty, it could be dangerous.

The body wants cholesterol to create healthy cells, but high levels of cholesterol can raise the risk of heart disease.

Taro roots are incredibly rich in fiber and fiber can help you improve blood cholesterol levels and lower your risk of heart disease.

Check Also : Taro Root Benefits

4:- May Prevent Certain Types Of Cancers
Taro roots are rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin C and eating vegetables that contain these vitamins decreases the risk of several kinds of cancer most importantly lung cancer.

Taro roots also contain a chemical compound β-Cryptoxanthin which helps reducing lung tumor multiplicity and inhibited lung cancer cell motility.

Data suggest that Cancer is one of the leading causes of death globally. In 2012, there were 14 million new cases and 8 million cancer-related deaths globally.

Eating foods which are high in Vitamin, Nutrients, Minerals, and Proteins helps us to fight with these diseases, eat healthily and stay healthy.

5:- Helps To Lose Weight
Taro roots are high in fiber and scientists have discovered that eating a good amount of fiber may help reducing weight.

The recommended amount of fiber intake in a day is about 42gm for men aged 19–50 years, 35gm for women aged 19–50 years.

It is Low Glycemic Index Vegetable that means it breaks down into glucose in the liver pretty slowly, therefore, making it excellent for weight loss.

Easting taro root can keep your stomach fuller for longer and because of it, you will eat fewer calories in a day.

6:- Reduces Fatigue ( Tiredness )
Athletes consume Taro roots for long-lasting energy because taro contains a low glycemic index which is useful for athletes.

What is a glycemic index?

A glycemic index is a number from Zero to Hundred attached to food, with pure glucose arbitrarily given the value of 100, which represents the relative rise in the blood glucose level two hours after eating that food. — Wikipedia

Taro Root is very low in glycemic index, score 18/100.

Taro root also contains the right amount of carbohydrate that increases energy and decreases fatigue.

7:- Prevents From Hypertension
Hypertension or High blood pressure is the leading cause of stroke and heart disease and the reports tell that 7.5 million people die every year because of it.

Almost a billion people are suffering from high blood pressure worldwide.
Taro root contains a good amount of potassium, which is another essential mineral that we want to live healthy and functional.

We can keep blood pressure under control by eating foods which are low in fat and sodium and taro roots are low in fat and sodium.

8:- Strengthen The Immune System
Taro roots contain enough antioxidants Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, and the minerals copper and zinc.

Antioxidant helps us by fighting with free redials, these free can radicals damage our cells and when we eat foods which contains a good amount of antioxidants like to roots,

its help us by protecting cells from the free radicals and it helps to boost the immune system. The risk of getting any viral diseases would become less.

9:- Helpful For Skin
Taro Root contains Vitamin A, Vitamin E, and Vitamin C which are essential for skin health. Adding taro root to your diet may help reduce wrinkles, blemishes.

How these Vitamins helps skin?

Vitamin A — It promotes healthy skin cell production. Retinol, Retinal, And Retinoic acid are essential in cell production and growth.

Vitamin E- Vitamin E is a great antioxidant that may be useful at reducing UV damage in skin. And vitamin E also protect your skin from damage induced by free radicals.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)- The antioxidant properties of vitamin C and its role in collagen structure make vitamin C a necessary molecule for the skin.

10:- Beneficial For Hair
You can eat taro root if you want to deal with hair fall because taro root contains Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and Biotin which are the best Vitamins for hair growth and hair health.

These Vitamins helps the production of a protein known as collagen, it is one of the most essential protein for hair and skin. Vitamin C performs an important role in the production of collagen.

Check Also : Benefits Of Taro Root

11:- Improves Muscles health
Taro root is a good source of magnesium, If you include taro root in your diet, it can fulfill magnesium needs.

Every organ in the body, especially the muscles, kidneys, and heart, need magnesium to operate.

This mineral also helps keep our teeth strong, plus helps with energy production.

12:- Improves Bone Health
As you read that taro root are rich in magnesium and how it helps muscles health but taro root is also a great source of calcium.

Calcium helps to build and protect our bones and it is a mineral that is essential for survival.

If you are not getting enough calcium from your diet, it could be bad for the bones, your bones can get weak or will not grow properly.

13:- Helpful For Eyes
Eating taro root is a great source of Vitamin C and vitamin C helps the body make and repair connective tissue, including collagen seen in the cornea of the eye.

taro root also contains lutein and zeaxanthin, It is believed that lutein and zeaxanthin in the macula block blue light from entering the underlying structures inside the retina, through reducing the risk of light-induced oxidative damage that could lead to AMD (macular degeneration).

14:- Helps Blood Health
Taro root contains Vitamin B6 and our body needs vitamin B6 to make hemoglobin.

Vitamin B6 also helps increase the amount of oxygen carried by hemoglobin and enough oxygen in the blood is very important because, Without oxygen, your liver, brain, and other body parts can be damaged just moments.

A vitamin B6 deficiency od Vitamin can also cause anemia and it is similar to iron deficiency anemia.

15:- Rich In Vitamin B6
As you read how Vitamin B6 helps by increasing the amount of oxygen carried by hemoglobin but Vitamin B6 has many more advantages.

Vitamin B6 can reduce depression and may improve mood. vitamin B6 is essential for producing neurotransmitters that regulate emotions, including dopamine and serotonin.

Vitamin B6 has been used to treat symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS), including anxiety, depression, and irritability.

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16:- Rich In Vitamin C
Vitamin C has impressive health benefits which make it one of the most essential vitamins. Vitamin C is a strong antioxidant may reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

It also helps to get a stronger immune system because Vitamin C is a Strong and Antioxidants and antioxidants are those molecules which boost the immune system.

The daily requirement of Vitamin C For adults is 65 to 90 milligram (mg) a day.

17:- Rich In Vitamin D
Taro root is a good source of Vitamin D and Vitamin D plays a large role in the regulation of maintenance of phosphorus and calcium levels in the blood, These two are very important for supporting healthy bones.

Vitamin D deficiency is very common in the world, Vitamin D is essential for bones because it helps the body utilize calcium from the diet.

Vitamin D deficiency can cause rickets, A weakening and softening of bones in kids, usually due to low vitamin D.

18:- Incredible Source Of Carbohydrates
Taro root is a great source of energy, it contains 34.6g of carbohydrates in per 100g which is very high.

Daily recommends of carbohydrates is 45 to 65 percent of your total daily calories. So, if you are getting 2,000 calories a day, between 900 and 1300 calories need to be from carbohydrates.


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