Is corn flour good for the human body?

In simple words, corn flour is made or derived from corn kernels. It is a common food ingredient used as a thickening agent for soups and sauces. It is easily available in the supermarkets in white and yellow corn varieties.
02/8 Is corn flour healthy?
Organically grown corns, which are used for making the flour, are rich in antioxidants, fibre and resistant starch that support smooth functioning of various parts of the body. However, the corns used in the US market are genetically modified and sprayed with dangerous pesticides and are not at all good for the human body. According to research, they are rich in fructose corn syrup that is associated with diseases like cancer, fatty liver, high cholesterol, and diabetes.
Check Also : Corn K Fayde
03/8It’s gluten-free
Corn flour is an excellent alternative to white/wheat flour. It is good for baked goods and gravies and it also eliminates inflammation-causing foods from your diet, resulting in a healthy gut.
04/8 Rich in fibre and protein
You will be surprised to know that one cup of corn flour fulfills up to a third of the daily fibre content that an adult human body needs. It also provides essential protein content.
Check Also : Benefits Of Maize Corn
05/8Antioxidant properties
Freshly made corn flour is rich in disease-preventing antioxidants. It contains polyphenols (a specific type of antioxidant) that help fight free radical damage racked up by processed foods.
06/8 Easy to digest
Corn flour contains insoluble fibres like amylose, cellulose, and lignin that get fermented in the colon and support a diverse microbiome, that experts feel has a positive effect on the overall digestion.
07/8Dark side of corn flour
According to health experts, corn flour is usually made from GMO (Genetically Modified Maize) and largely affects the nutrient absorption process. It is high in phytic acid that hinders the body from absorbing and using essential nutrients.
It all depends on the sourcing and processing of corns that whether the flour will be healthy or not. So, to be on the safe side, avoid packaged corn and go for the fresh ones and make flour at home that is easy to use and healthy too.


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