
Showing posts from June, 2020

5 Amazing Health Benefits of Apricot Juice

Apricot Juice Benefits Apricot lovers from all over the world observe International Apricot Day every year on January 9th. Originating from Armenia, now grown the world-over, apricot has been considered an exotic treat since ancient times. It has been associated with Alexander the Great, and later, Lucullus the Roman General who imported these trees to Greece. Apricots are fibrous, with a unique musky flavour that makes them stand apart from their counterparts — plums and peaches. The skin has a beautiful velvety texture to it, while the flavour inside is a sweet and fleshy. With its unique ability to blend well with meats, desserts and bakes, apricot recipes are popular with kids and adults. The apricot in Latin means, praecocquu,“Precious”, a label it earned since it ripens much earlier than other summer fruits. Apart from being one of the most important fruits in the world, apricots offer incredible health benefits. Check Also : Apricot Juice Recipe 1.) Better Diges...

Health is Life

Health Is A Life We’ve all experienced the crushing agony of a heartbreak, or the deep foundational stress of worrying about how you’ll pay all your bills, or the isolating and bleak reality of a mum or dad or loved one whose health is failing in a way you can’t figure out how to stop — or fix. Life is hard. Now — how hard is all relative … but for most of us, our days are consumed on some level with a pretty significant level of worry. Did you overextend when you bought that house? Is so-and-so gunning for your job? Is it wrong that you secretly and deeply resent your partner because you’re sick of them “never doing anything”? And how about the real worries — will you have food, electricity, heat, clothing, safety…the worries that consume more people than any of us would care to imagine (The Shriver Report has 1 out of 3 women living ‘on the brink’ — in other words, right smack dab in this reality). For fun — let’s try an exercise marriage counselors use for marriages that are ...

The Best Benefits of Turnip Juice: 7 Proven Uses of Turnip Juice

Benefits Of Turnip Juice Are you curious about the benefits of turnip juice? Well, let’s start reading. Turnip is a bulbous, sweet, roasted root vegetable that most people love or hate. Nutritional Values of Turnip Juice Nitrate is an important compound in turnip juice. In the past, you may have heard that nitrates are present in products such as deli meats, pastrami or other packaged meats of low quality, but they are harmful but types of nitrates in all foods, such as turnips, are very useful. In the human body, inorganic nitrate is converted to nitric oxide and relaxes and enlarges blood vessels. Like other leafy greens like turnips, cabbage and lettuce take nitrate from soil. One cup of raw turnips contain the following nutrient content: 58 calories. Zero oil. Zero cholesterol. 106 milligrams of sodium. 13 grams of carbohydrate. 4 grams of dietary fiber. 9 grams of sugar. 2 grams of protein. 148 micrograms of folate. (37% of daily need) 6 milligrams of vitamin C. (11% of d...

5 benefits of mint leaves aka pudina to cool you down this summer

Benefits Of Mint Leaves Juice Summer is the best season to consume mint and there are several ways in which we can use pudina, apart from just making chutneys. Mint is widely used in foods like ice-cream, chocolates, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, cosmetics, medicines, inhalers and mouth fresheners. Its uses are aplenty and so are its benefits. During the summer, people opt for mint-based products as these provide a refreshing burst of flavour and also act as good relaxants. Check Also : Benefits Of Mint Juice Here are five benefits of consuming mint leaves aka pudina. Aids in digestion: Mint soothes the stomach instantly and works wonders when it comes to treating tummy troubles. It is rich in antioxidants, phytonurients and menthol, which helps the enzymes to digest food. According to The Health Site, “Pudina is also known to calm stomach cramps and helps beat acidity and flatulence. It is also very beneficial for patients suffering from IBS (Irritable Bowel Synd...

Health Benefits of Turnips

Health Benefits Of Turnip Vegetable When was the last time you craved a turnip? Never? Fair enough. In comparison to its cousins — kale, cauliflower, arugula, and cabbage — the turnip isn’t a regular on most menus. But it’s got a health profile that makes it worth checking out. Turnips are among the oldest and hardiest vegetables. They grew wild in Siberia when dinosaurs roamed the earth and got an early reputation as a food for poor people and farm animals. Today, many people wouldn’t know a turnip if they saw or tasted one. People mistake it most often for the rutabaga, which is a cross between a turnip and cabbage. So here’s your turnip 101: It’s a root vegetable in the Brassicacae family of mustard plants. It’s ready for harvest in the spring and fall. The most common turnip is light purple on top and white on the bottom, but there are more than 30 kinds with varying shapes and colors. Some are sweet, like a carrot, while others taste more like a potato. Check Also : T...